As we continue our journey on the floor in this section of Release, you will continue to slow down your breath. As you hold some of these poses a little longer, you will experience your mind slowing down as well. Since we created a lot of warmth in our body earlier in the practice, you will be able to stretch a little further. These poses in Release will help to stretch your spine and the back send of your legs.
Seated Single Leg Extension
This pose stretches your hamstrings and low back. As with all forward folds, you can bend your knees here. Even if you can completely fold forward, we still recommend having a slight bend in your knees to protect your hamstrings from overstretching.

- Place sole of one foot into opposite thigh
- Bend opposite knee
- Fold forward from your hips
- Rest chest on thigh bone
- Clasp hands around foot
- Bend extended knee
- Use a strap around the bottom of your foot
- Sit tall and don’t fold forward
- Stretches hamstrings and low back
- Slows breath and heart rate
Seated Forward Bend
This pose is very similar to seated single leg extension. However, now you are folding more symmetrically forward so it focuses more on stretching of the hamstrings. Again, this pose helps to slow your breath and relax.

- Legs press together
- Fold forward from your hip crease
- Feet flexed
- Grab your feet with your hands
- Bend your knees
- Use a strap around your feet
- Sit tall and don’t fold forward
- Stretches hamstrings and low back
- Slows breath and heart rate
Reverse Table Top
This pose helps to open your chest and is a counter balance pose from the forward folds. This pose helps to release any excess energy you might still have from the practice.
- Hands placed behind you with your fingertips forward
- Press your hips away from your mat
- Keep your legs straight
- Point your toes
- Drop your head back
- Bend your knees
- Keep your head looking forward if your neck is bothering you here
- Stretches chest and shoulders
- Releases any excess energy from the practice
Fish Pose
This pose is similar to reverse table top, and helps to open the chest and throat after forward folds. It is a little more low key energy wise compared to the previous pose.

- Walk hands underneath your bottom
- Press forearms into your mat
- Lift your chest to the ceiling
- Drop the crown of your head onto your mat
- Draw your shoulders blades towards your spine
- Keep head lifted off mat
- Use a block behind your mid back
- Stretches the front of your chest and shoulders
- Stretches your throat
- Continues to slow your breath down