Why Yoga Works for Back Pain

In this week’s episode of Your Health Matters, I share about how practicing yoga can help with your back pain. Yoga is not just about sitting around or touching your toes. It has a lot of benefits for your physical and mental health. Tune in so you can learn how yoga can help you with that flaring back pain you’ve been feeling and been trying to get rid of through other means. 


In this episode we discuss: 


[0:25] My experience with yoga

[0:59] Why I started doing yoga

[2:00] What is power yoga

[3:01] How getting out of the Sympathetic nervous system in relation to yoga helps with back pain

[4:17] How getting your heart rate up through yoga helps with back pain 

[5:05] How increasing your strength and flexibility through yoga helps with back pain

[6:05] How being in a social group through yoga helps with back pain

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode and learned a lot from it, please subscribe and rate! See you next week!


Follow me on Instagram and Facebook  @drjackiefenton.

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