5 Reasons to Get Yourself a Coach

A lot of the information that we need is already available online. You can always search Google about the things you want to know more about. However, the tricky thing is finding the right information because not everything that you read online is correct or pertinent information. And worse, sometimes what you might find is misinformation. If you aren’t an expert in the area you are trying to learn about, it may be difficult to spot the misinformation That is why getting help from an expert or a coach is a better route to go then piecemealing information together from the internet.


My Experience With Being Coached 

I have been playing tennis for many years now and throughout my tennis career, I’ve had different coaches. Sometimes my dad coached me and other times we paid someone to help me progress in my tennis game. 

I have not had tennis lessons in the past five years, and I knew I needed one, especially with not playing competitively for over a year due to the pandemic. I needed someone to look at me play and help me diagnose some issues I was struggling to diagnose on my own. Occasionally, I was getting pain with my serve and on my forehand and I wasn’t really sure what was going on. 

So, I finally got a lesson this week and we went over a couple of things. These things we discussed shifted how I felt on the tennis court and now that I got the feedback I needed, the only thing that’s left to do is to practice. Because of this, I am excited to get back on the court again. 


What Held Me Back In Getting A Coach 

As I got into my 20s, I was not getting lessons quite as much as I did when I was younger because I was not playing as frequently. Also, I find that adult programs are a little bit less frequent to come by when you reach a certain level. It’s easier to get lessons when you are a beginner or in the intermediate level rather than when you are already advanced. I also became busy with family and work so I was having a difficult time getting myself into a lesson.. 

Another thing that’s been getting in my way in getting a lesson in tennis is that I am a physical therapist. Seems weird that this would hold me back from getting a coach, but I had the belief that since I understand movement, I shouldn’t need extra help. And realistically, having outside help is incredibly insightful. It is difficult to diagnose yourself even if you know what you are doing. Sometimes, you end up picking up bad habits, which will make progress towards your goals slower. So for me, I knew that I needed a coach to help me change my game so I could get rid of the pain I was experiencing. 

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The Five Things To Look For In Knowing When It’s Time To Get A Coach to Help You Progress With Your Goals 


  1. If you are a complete beginner to something, it’s time to find a coach. 

You do not want to pick up bad habits. And when you try to piece together information on the internet on your own, it can be tiring and the progress can be really slow. Having somebody look at your performance, whether it is for sports or in life, it is helpful to have a coach to help you with the new beginning. Your coach will help you set up the habits that will create success for you to reach your goals. 


  1. When You Hit A Plateau 

You do not need to have a coach all the time. Maybe you already got the advice that you needed and you already put them into practice. However, when you hit a plateau, as in you are no longer making progress, or when you are not sure why you are not making progress, it would be helpful to have an extra set of eyes on the problem. The coach will help you break out of that plateau and get to the other side so you can reach your goals. 

And once you break through the plateau, you can keep moving forward and take a break from coaching. 


  1. When You Are Struggling To Be Consistent 

When you are having a difficult time to show up daily and do the hard work, it is time to get a coach. When you are working towards your goals, it is not always easy and there will be resistance to showing up, even if most of the time you enjoy the sport you are doing. 

Having a coach will help you be accountable to showing up. Finding someone or a program that will help you be committed to the process is incredibly important. If you end up with a coach or program you do not respect, it will probably not be the right fit and will not help you be consistent. Do your research before committing with a coach or a program so you can reach your goals. 


  1. When Something Does Not Feel Right In Your Body

This tip is directed towards those who are involved in athletics or moving, in general. You should not be diagnosing yourself or checking out do-it-yourself suggestions for pain on the internet. 

Having another set of eyes would be the best to figure out what is wrong, what is going on in your movement pattern, or what you might need help with. Usually, these might even require more than one person. 

For example, with tennis, my serve was bothering me because I was having some pain in my shoulder. I had a coach diagnose my serve to help me with that aspect, but I also worked with a physical therapist to help me strengthen my shoulder. Here, I needed not two people to help me get past the pain that I was experiencing. 

So please, do not diagnose yourself if you have pain and get help from the outside so you can reach your goals for your health and fitness. 


  1. When You Haven’t Done The Activity In A While

When you have taken a break and have not done the activity in a while, the best option is to have someone look at what you are doing and help you out. Their perspective will help you get back to what you were doing before. 

Usually, what happens if you do this alone, you will go all in and give it your 110 percent. Since being away from the activity for a while, it is necessary to slowly get back into your activity. Your body needs the time to remember how to move certain ways and for the muscular strength and flexibility to come back. 

Your coach will help you slowly ramp up back to the activity. Having outside help will help you not feel sore and/or less likely to get an injury as you get back to your activity. 


The Importance Of Finding A Coach Who Fits You For This Moment 

The coach who I worked with when I started in tennis would not make sense to help me now. I was eight when I started and now I am 35. Coaches have specialties in certain areas so they prefer to be with certain levels. So, it is important to find the right coach who meets your needs. If you do find a coach, and it isn’t working out, don’t be discouraged, and seek out a new person to cater to your needs. 

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