When we come to yoga frequently, we expect we will be able to stretch more easily. The problem with that is we walk certain ways and sit certain ways all day long which effects our overall flexibility. When you do just an hour of yoga a day – and sometimes only three times a week – you won’t see the long last changes you necessarily want. It is important to build stretching into your daily routine – and five minutes every hour at work can make a difference! All these activities can be performed at your desk. Taking breaks throughout the day also helps you to refocus and be able to concentrate better.
Quadriceps/Psoas Stretch
At your desk, kneel down onto one knee. Hold onto your desk to keep your chest upright. Make sure that your front knee stays in line with your ankle. You are looking to get a stretch in the back leg that is either in the middle of your thigh or the upper part of your thigh. If kneeling bothers your knee, place a jacket or towel under your knee for support. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute on each side.

Hamstring Stretch
Use your desk chair and place the back of your ankle on the chair. If you already feel a stretch in the back of your leg, stand tall. If you want more of a stretch you can lean towards your leg. Remember to keep your spine from rounding by hinging from your hips. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute on each side.
Triceps Stretch/Shoulder Mobility
In this photo, a yoga strap was used, but you can use a long towel or jacket to perform this stretch. Place the towel in one hand and lift your hand behind your hand with the towel falling down your back. Grab the towel with your other hand and start to walk your hand up your back as far as you can to get a stretch. If you have any pain with this activity, make a bigger space between your hands on the towel. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute on each side.

Shoulder Mobility/Hamstring Stretch
This is a modified Downward Facing Dog Pose. You can place your hands on your desk or chair, and then slowly walk back until you are close to an L shape. Let your chest drop down, so that you can more of a stretch through your shoulders and the backs of your legs. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute.
A final tip! To make sure you get up more frequently during the day, drink a lot of water. Not only is this great for brain health, it also makes you stand up and walk since you will need to use the restroom. When you get your blood flowing and get more breaks throughout the day, it will actually lead to improved productivity.
Try out these stretches and let us know what you think! Hope to see you on your mat soon!