Full disclosure, running is not my favorite thing to do. It is something I will dapple in to help me improve my tennis game and it’s good for a quick cardio workout. However, I love to help runners improve their times, heal injuries, and prevent future injuries.
One of the biggest things I have seen with previous clients who are runners is they did not understand the importance of cross training: adding a proper strengthening and stretching program that brings balance to the running force! If you are running all the time and not doing anything to support your running – injuries are more likely to happen for you.
With that said, one of the most common impairments I see most with running injuries is weak gluteus medius muscles. This is one of your muscles that stabilizes your hips and pelvis when running. If this area gets weak, a lot of weird things can happen up the chain (think lower back) or down the chain (knee, ankle, foot). A few other impairments include (and not limited too!) – weaker core/calf muscles and tight hip muscles/calves. The combination of these things can lead to a whole host of problems for your body.
With that said – half moon is one of my favorite poses to introduce to runners. This pose helps with so many things: balance, gluteus medius strengthening, stretching of your hamstring, and core strengthening. It does so many things – and trust me after holding this pose for one minute you will be feeling things you didn’t know you could feel.
Half moon:
- Your foot planted on the ground faces 12 o’clock.
- You can either place your hand on a block, as pictured above, or you can let your hand hover for extra core strength.
- Lift your other leg into the air and stack your hips on top of each other. Your hips will be opened in this pose. Make sure to keep your foot flexed and spread your yogi toes!
- Reach your top arm towards the sky and spread your fingertips wide.
- Your gaze can be towards your fingertips (more of a challenge), looking where you are facing, or looking at the ground (easiest).

Okay, runners and yogis alike, get on your mat in class and try half moon out for yourself and feel the burn in your gluteus muscles.
Shine On,