Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday! This day was created by 92nd Street Y in partnership with United Nations Foundation in 2012. The aim is to give back to charities, communities, and families. They created this partnership to give back after a weekend of giving thanks for your family and friends and then shopping for the holiday season. Sometimes we are strapped for cash, so there are definitely other ways to give back on Tuesday – a hug for someone is a way to give back to those around you – you have no idea how much that can lift someone’s spirirts! Why I love #GivingTuesday is because one of the organizations I support, Africa Yoga Project, is part of this great day.
Africa Yoga Project (AYP) was founded by Paige Elenson in 2007. She brought yoga to the country of Kenya and trained youths in the area to teach yoga. They bring yoga to prisons, schools, special need centers, HIV/AIDS support groups, deaf schools, and rural villages. For this program, I am a mentor for one of the yoga teachers. We Skype once a month, talking about topics ranging from improving his yoga teaching, creating programs, and his day to day life. This past year has been truly special getting to know my mentee. What is so amazing is that he has helped me grow and become a better leader within the community. He definitely encouraged me to take the leap to become owner of the studio!
I am super excited because tomorrow I will be getting a phone call from AYP thanking me for my donations. So look for my selfie on BHYS Instragram page(http://instagram.com/brightheartyogastudio)! If you are looking for a charity to donate to – I suggest looking into this one. For more information on how to get involved – check out their website http://www.africayogaproject.org/.
Even if you are unable to donate to a cause tomorrow – give back by smiling at someone on the street or giving someone a hug. You never know when someone can use some love in their lives.
Shine on,