Two weeks ago, I was getting caught up in my stories about not having enough time to check things off my ever growing to do list. I got to a point of overwhelm and wasn’t even practicing yoga. I was finding myself in a lot of negative self-talk and being plain old grumpy pants.
As I was organizing my book shelf, I came across my gratitude journal that a friend had given me two years ago. I had only written in two pages and then it went on the back burner. Journaling has never been a strength of mine because I tend to just crash at the end of the night or get simply bored. I decided since I stumbled upon this book that it was time to make a shift in my grumpy attitude. There has been research performed about gratitude journals. Studies have shown that those who have consistently kept a gratitude journal are more optimistic, more likely to exercise, and in general take care of themselves. And honestly, who am I to argue with research!
I committed to my gratitude journal last week, and I started to reflect on my day right before bed. I write three things down that I am grateful for about that day. That simple act of committing to this journal definitely changed my week drastically. I found time to get on my mat, accomplished what I wanted to accomplish for the week, and found my “overwhelm” feeling slip away. It’s not that every day I had rainbows and sunshine– I definitely had some moments where I wanted to fast forward to bed. However, the act of finding good moments in a seemingly rough day elevated my mood.
My grateful list for last night:
- I am grateful for the teacher trainers teaching on Sunday evenings. It reminds me of the journey of becoming a yoga teacher and how fun it is to teach! (Thanks Saba and Helen for last night!)
- I am grateful for the new tradition of going to Noodles and Company after yoga on Sunday evenings with my husband. It is a time to slow down before a hectic week and eat some awesome Mac and Cheese.
- I am grateful for connecting with my best friend last night and getting a chance to catch up on the week. She is certainly one of my rocks in my life and I am always lifted after chatting with her.

As you can see, the list doesn’t have to be anything super huge – which is why I initially found this exercise daunting. I think the month of November is also a great time to reflect. It’s right before the holidays, a time when the world gets a little crazy about shopping for gifts. So I challenge you to write three things you are grateful for each day and see what it does for you! Share what you are grateful for by writing a comment.
Shine on yogis,